Confidea T
Confidea T is a tabletop conference microphone system that provides a perfect solution for both mobile and permanent installations. The system is extremely scalable making it ideal choice for small meetings and seminars as well as large international conferences.
The Confidea Series is renowned for its superb audio quality. The Natural Sound produced by these conference stations drastically improves intelligibility and reduces overall fatigue during longer meetings.
Built upon the successful first generation of Confidea® Wired, this new generation includes RFID for identification
and authentication. With RFID, the system knows exactly who is seated where, expanding the possibilities in applications with electronic voting or free seating.
Installing the system is extremely easy. For mobile installations that require regular setup and teardown, the autosensing connections of the units allow daisy chaining without any concerns for the less technically skilled.
With the connections hidden in the base, a clean and tidy setup can be created in permanent installations.
Powered by Plixus®, the new Confidea T benefits from all advanced features this dedicated conference network
technology has to offer, including the loop wiring reliability. And because it is Plixus Powered, Confidea T can be mixed with any other Plixus Powered series in a single install.
This makes Confidea T the best sounding, most versatile conference system around.
Alles weitere dazu in der offiziellen Broschüre: TCS_BRO_Confidea-T-en-US_v1.0
Jeder Vergleich ist schwierig und hinkt. Und doch ist es hilfreich, eine gewisse Vorstellung von dem preislichen Rahmen zu bekommen.
Daher im folgenden wie bei jeder unser vorgestellten Anlagen, eine Basisvariante, sie beinhaltet 10 der einfachsten Sprechstellen, wenn notwendig eine Präsidentensprechstelle (teilweise direkt in der Basisversion konfigurierbar), die Steuereinheit, bei Funktechnik, so notwendig, den Access-Point und Verkabelung.
Angegeben ist jeweils der UVP bzw. Listenpreis des Herstellers,
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Confidea T
UVP € 0,00 + 19% MwSt. (€ 0,00) zuzüglich Einrichtung, falls gewünscht
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